I had the trailblazers girls again this week. We got to go on our overnight on Tuesday this week instead of Thursday!

I met Morgan Rohr last week in the health office when she was a CIT (and I couldn't resist asking if she might be related to the Rohrs in Brainerd.) I was surprised when she said Steph was her aunt! It is such a small world. Well, the world got smaller when I was assigned to her Trailblazers this week. She is an awesome kid... & I have enjoyed hanging out with her & her cabin group. She texted her mom to let her know she ran into me... and it turns out her brother is staying at the Heinze's this week (Steph and her husband). It is all kind of funny to me. Morgan thought I looked familiar... turns out she remembers me from taking pics at Steph & Loren's wedding!

This was our little village in the woods. We had 10 tents out by the horses. It was kind of neat because they weren't visible from outside the woods... you had to walk in a ways to see them. Everything was still wet from the rain that we have been getting, so the trail staff brought out dry logs and fire starters (which were great!) It started to rain after two of three cabins had their food done. Luckily it didn't rain for long (we were able to finish the food for the last group.)

The rainbow afterwards was pretty cool though!