Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Letting Go...

We are back in Washington after a refreshing weekend in Minnesota. We came home for my cousin Nick's wedding... and had the chance to catch up with some people (mostly family and a few old friends.) I also finally got the chance to clean up the house a little. We have had a few challenging weeks trying to adjust out here in Washington. The paperwork and other things that come with moving and starting a new job hasn't been much fun. But at last things are turning around and we are getting settled. Traveling nursing is a lifestyle, and consequently takes a little adjusting! I also realized that since I never left home to go to college (I have only moved once... and that was to my own house), a lot of my challenges with adjusting come from "leaving home" and trying to let go. Living in an apartment takes a little getting used to (hearing other people flush their toilets, wash their clothes and needing to have volume control!)


Coming home we got the chance to see family, which is always a pleasure. Marina is growing up so fast. Mom and Martha brought her outside to the large Maple tree in the back yard and taught her how to run into the pile! It was really fun to see her go. She is quite the character with her laughter and contagious smile. She is going to be a great big sister. (Only a few more months left to go.)


With a face like that (and a matching personality) what's not to love about her! It is wonderful to us that she recognizes family and is very flexible when being passed around from one to another. She knows my mom and Martha very well... which can be a challenge in church when they are ushering or being Eucharistic Ministers... Marina spots them up front and wants to join them! It is kind of funny, unless you are the one holding her and trying to keep her quiet. She also loves phones and purses... she seems to have an internal radar that can detect open purses or cell phones left around... she disappears and in a few moments can be found wondering around the house with her new treasures! Of course we laugh at her, and then she laughs back. She is such an adorable little person.

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I found my notes from our Honeymoon and our Pope pictures at home... I will go back and add in the missing dates in case any one wants to see more from our honeymoon. I am not sure how many days that will take, but it is on my agenda.