This was Ben's first experience with a stroller (we only went half a block to church for the School's Fish Fry!) He has started arching his back when he is in his car seat or swing, so I wasn't sure how he would do. Once we got moving he was okay... until I stopped for a minute (then he wanted out immediately!) Tomorrow we are going for a longer walk with Grandma Diane!
This is his first nap in his long awaited crib! We have had it for a few months, but finally got the missing pieces that were hand made by one of my dad's fellow KC members. It was an awesome save, since without the pieces we couldn't salvage the crib (that is my green deed for today... one less crib in the landfill.) I made a trip to Ace Hardware today to buy the additional bolts, etc that we needed. I got most of the crib together before Corey got home, and he helped with the rest. Now Ben's Pack 'N' Play is back downstairs again for playing (and we can finally use all of the crib things that we got for shower gifts!)