Monday, March 23, 2009

On the move...

Ben has been rolling over for a couple of months now... and he likes to pull himself up with his arms, but he hasn't figured out how to crawl (yet!) He would prefer to squawk until someone picks him up and takes him to where he wants to go! Ben has enjoyed standing for months... and seems to prefer walking motions over people helping him to crawl. He has been sitting with help for awhile, but managed to stay upright by himself today for quite a few minutes... it was impressive! Some of his favorite games include spitting with daddy (it sounds like he is trying to "buzz" on a trumpet!), and the pass off game... in which he sees how many times he can be passed around before we put him in his exersaucer to play by himself! What he really enjoys is getting attention from Mommy and Daddy at the same time!

A few weeks ago Corey was running late from work to go to church on Wednesday for Lent, so he met us after Mass had already started. Ben was so excited to see his daddy that he started buzzing at him and proceeded to try and get his attention all through Mass. When it was all done Corey went to hold Ben and finally buzz back... but Ben decided it was payback time and kept ignoring him for the rest of the evening! Ben has also figured out how to arch his back when he doesn't want to do something (like go in his car seat.) He can have such a stubborn personality, but he is also such a people person that people don't always believes us that he isn't the perfect baby!

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Toofer Time!!!

Daddy found the first toofer last week sometime... it took me a few times of feeling around to confirm that yes it was a tooth. With all of the high maintenance this kid requires it was surprising how quietly this tooth came in. It is very challenging to see of course (my mom says she saw it... but I have yet to see it myself). Whenever we go into his mouth to look he has to move his tongue around (he seems to think it is a fun game!) So as I left the dentist with a very numb mouth (it has been so long since I had a cavity I forgot what it feels like...) I stopped at Target for Ben's first toothbrush and toothpaste.

Of course I needed to look around until I could find a green one (it was the last green one)... so Ben has an Eeyore toothbrush. We gave him the package which he did an excellent job trying to open... by the time Corey helped him out the back peeled right off (it was so wet!)

As soon as it was out of the packaging Ben reached for it and put it in his mouth. Hopefully, this will be a good sign of things to come! I can't get him to eat more than three bites of anything (cereal, apples or sweet potatoes)... but he will try to brush his gums... go figure!

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Stroller Ride and "New" Crib!

This was Ben's first experience with a stroller (we only went half a block to church for the School's Fish Fry!) He has started arching his back when he is in his car seat or swing, so I wasn't sure how he would do. Once we got moving he was okay... until I stopped for a minute (then he wanted out immediately!) Tomorrow we are going for a longer walk with Grandma Diane!
This is his first nap in his long awaited crib! We have had it for a few months, but finally got the missing pieces that were hand made by one of my dad's fellow KC members. It was an awesome save, since without the pieces we couldn't salvage the crib (that is my green deed for today... one less crib in the landfill.) I made a trip to Ace Hardware today to buy the additional bolts, etc that we needed. I got most of the crib together before Corey got home, and he helped with the rest. Now Ben's Pack 'N' Play is back downstairs again for playing (and we can finally use all of the crib things that we got for shower gifts!)

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is Ben's first experience with a football... and I am not sure he knows what to do with it! That is okay though, he has his whole life to figure it out... it is hard to believe he will be seven months old on Friday. Where has the time gone? If you are wondering why all of a sudden there are many posts... it is because I got a new laptop that can handle all of these pictures; making blogging so much easier. I also had over 400 pictures to download after I got through my initial setup. Hopefully, I will have more for you a little later!
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Star Wars Play Time!

We have officially captured their first of many play sessions together with the beloved Star Wars toys... Ben meets Obi-Wan Kenobi... or "Old Ben Kenobi" for the first time. His first reaction of course is to put the lightsaber in his mouth, "atta boy"! It seems Ben has already developed a taste for Star Wars... something any father could be proud of. Especially this one.

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Grandpa Nelson

I couldn't resist when I found these overalls that reminded me of my Grandpa Nelson... all that was missing was the pliers! Which was an easy fix. In true Grandpa Nelson fashion he is attempting to pull "his teeth" even though they aren't visible yet!

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Stocking...

On the twelth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

These pictures were taken in the stocking that Laura came home from in the hospital 28 years ago (Ben seems to fit in it better than mommy!)
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